Results for 'Roberto Murillo Zamora'

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    La forma y la diferencia.Roberto Murillo Zamora - 1987 - San José, Costa Rica: Editorial Universidad de Costa Rica.
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    Comunicación y lenguaje en la filosofía de Bergson.Roberto Murillo Zamora - 1965 - Ciudad Universitaria Rodrigo Facio,:
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    Crítica de libros.José A. Zamora, Antonio Casado da Rocha, Jorge Riechmann, Adrián Almazán, Carmen Madorrán Ayerra, Javier Romero Muñoz, Fernando Arribas Herguedas, Javier Cigüela Sola, Alfredo Saldaña Sagredo, Clara Navarro Ruiz, Cristopher Morales, Manuel Toscano, Roberto Navarrete Alonso & Ignacio Castro - 2016 - Isegoría 55:707.
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    COVID-19 and Quarantine: Expanding Understanding of How to Stay Physically Active at Home.Alberto Souza Sá Filho, Thiago Gottgtroy Miranda, Carolina Cavalcante de Paula, Silvio Roberto Barsanulfo, Diogo Teixeira, Diogo Monteiro, Luis Cid, Claudio Imperatori, Tetsuya Yamamoto, Eric Murillo-Rodriguez, Sandra Amatriain Fernández, Henning Budde & Sergio Machado - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Algebraic foundations of many-valued reasoning.Roberto Cignoli - 1999 - Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers. Edited by Itala M. L. D'Ottaviano & Daniele Mundici.
    This unique textbook states and proves all the major theorems of many-valued propositional logic and provides the reader with the most recent developments and trends, including applications to adaptive error-correcting binary search. The book is suitable for self-study, making the basic tools of many-valued logic accessible to students and scientists with a basic mathematical knowledge who are interested in the mathematical treatment of uncertain information. Stressing the interplay between algebra and logic, the book contains material never before published, such as (...)
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    Proper n-valued łukasiewicz algebras as s-algebras of łukasiewicz n-valued prepositional calculi.Roberto Cignoli - 1982 - Studia Logica 41 (1):3 - 16.
    Proper n-valued ukasiewicz algebras are obtained by adding some binary operators, fulfilling some simple equations, to the fundamental operations of n-valued ukasiewicz algebras. They are the s-algebras corresponding to an axiomatization of ukasiewicz n-valued propositional calculus that is an extention of the intuitionistic calculus.
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    Free q-distributive lattices.Roberto Cignoli - 1996 - Studia Logica 56 (1-2):23 - 29.
    The dual spaces of the free distributive lattices with a quantifier are constructed, generalizing Halmos' construction of the dual spaces of free monadic Boolean algebras.
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  8. Searching in a Maze, in search of knowledge: Issues in early artificial intelligence.Roberto Cordeschi - 2006 - In O. Stock & M. Schaerf (eds.), Lecture Notes In Computer Science. Springer Verlag. pp. 1-23.
    Heuristic programming was the first area in which AI methods were tested. The favourite case-studies were fairly simple toy- problems, such as cryptarithmetic, games, such as checker or chess, and formal problems, such as logic or geometry theorem-proving. These problems are well-defined, roughly speaking, at least in comparison to real-life problems, and as such have played the role of Drosophila in early AI. In this chapter I will investigate the origins of heuristic programming and the shift to more knowledge-based and (...)
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  9. L’esistenza Non È Logica.Roberto Ciuni & Francesco Berto - 2010 - Rivista di Estetica 45.
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  10. Apuntes sobre democracia y pluralismo.Roberto Rodríguez Guerra - 1999 - Laguna 1:253-260.
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    Moderation-Mediation Effects in Bilingualism and Cognitive Reserve.Roberto R. Heredia, Angélique M. Blackburn & Luis A. Vega - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  12. La idea de la filosofía como liberación del pensamiento en la obra de José Gaos.Roberto Andrés González Hinojosa - 2011 - Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte 13:76-95.
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    Editorial.Roberto Poli - 1993 - Axiomathes 4 (1):181-182.
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    Dalla pedagogia di Fourier alla pedagogia di Marx.Roberto Mazzetti - 1972 - Salerno,: Beta.
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    Divinizzazione dell'umano e pathos conoscitivo nelle lettere di Ficino.Roberto Melisi - 2020 - Milano: Mimesis.
  16. The Self Awakened: Pragmatism Unbound.Roberto Mangabeira Unger - 2008 - American Journal of Theology and Philosophy 29 (3):315-318.
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    Soranus 4 books'sullAnima'and tertullian'de Anima'.Roberto Polito - 1994 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 49 (3):423-468.
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    A New View of Effects in a Hilbert Space.Roberto Giuntini, Antonio Ledda & Francesco Paoli - 2016 - Studia Logica 104 (6):1145-1177.
    We investigate certain Brouwer-Zadeh lattices that serve as abstract counterparts of lattices of effects in Hilbert spaces under the spectral ordering. These algebras, called PBZ*-lattices, can also be seen as generalisations of orthomodular lattices and are remarkable for the collapse of three notions of “sharpness” that are distinct in general Brouwer-Zadeh lattices. We investigate the structure theory of PBZ*-lattices and their reducts; in particular, we prove some embedding results for PBZ*-lattices and provide an initial description of the lattice of PBZ*-varieties.
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    Paradoxes of normativity: On carl schmitt's normative scepticism.Roberto Farneti - 2013 - History of Political Thought 34 (1):114-142.
    Psychological failure to legislate norms from a state of normative nil is the core sceptical case that German philosophy had left unsolved, and that after Kant was handed over to each new generation of philosophers, until it exploded with great force in debates that spanned the 1910s. This article seeks to provide a context for Carl Schmitt's statement that `nobody could ever describe a single person's intentions as a norm', and to link this kind of normative scepticism with Schmitt's later (...)
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    Introduction to metamoral.Roberto Magari - 1992 - In Cristina Bicchieri & Maria Luisa Dalla Chiara (eds.), Knowledge, Belief, and Strategic Interaction. New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press. pp. 257.
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  21. Religione e Providenza in Vico.Roberto Mazzola - 1996 - Bollettino Del Centro di Studi Vichiani 26:101-126.
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  22. Scienza e Filosofia della natura nella Napoli del tardo Settecento: Note sul Plantarum rariorum Regni Neapolitani di Domenico Cirillo.Roberto Mazzola - 2007 - Bollettino Del Centro di Studi Vichiani 37:159-174.
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  23. Verisimilitude, qualitative theories, and statistical inferences.Roberto Festa - 2007 - In Sami Pihlström, Panu Raatikainen & Matti Sintonen (eds.), Approaching truth: essays in honour of Ilkka Niiniluoto. London: College Publications. pp. 143--178.
  24. Verisimilitude, cross classification and prediction logic. Approaching the statistical truth by falsified qualitative theories.Roberto Festa - 2007 - Mind and Society 6 (1):91-114.
    In this paper it is argued that qualitative theories (Q-theories) can be used to describe the statistical structure of cross classified populations and that the notion of verisimilitude provides an appropriate tool for measuring the statistical adequacy of Q-theories. First of all, a short outline of the post-Popperian approaches to verisimilitude and of the related verisimilitudinarian non-falsificationist methodologies (VNF-methodologies) is given. Secondly, the notion of Q-theory is explicated, and the qualitative verisimilitude of Q-theories is defined. Afterwards, appropriate measures for the (...)
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    Poisoning the Well.Roberto Ruiz - 2018-05-09 - In Robert Arp, Steven Barbone & Michael Bruce (eds.), Bad Arguments. Wiley. pp. 196–200.
    This chapter focuses on one of the common fallacies in Western philosophy called 'poisoning the well' (PTW). There are some forms of ad hominem varieties that are usually a response to an interlocutor's claims. Unlike them, PTW occurs when we illegitimately prime our audience with a pre‐emptive strike against, or with adverse information about, an argumentative opponent before the latter has had a chance to say anything in her own defense, or in defense of her point of view. This has (...)
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    Prima lezione di filosofia.Roberto Casati - 2011 - Roma: Laterza.
  27. Uma versão mais modesta dos argumentos transcendentais da primeira Crí­tica.Roberto Horácio de Sá Pereira - 2009 - Princípios 16 (25):05-25.
    Esse trabalho apresenta uma reconstruçáo das referidas Deduçáo e Refutaçáo como argumentos contra uma forma empirista de ceticismo questionando a validade de juízos empíricos acerca de objetos externos na chamada acepçáo empírica, náo-transcendental do termo.
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  28. Di Dio e della storia nella prosposta teologica di J. Moltmann e di J.B. Metz.Roberto Repole - 2011 - Gregorianum 92 (2):395-414.
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    (2 other versions)Bookend.Eduardo Roberto - 1990 - Business Ethics 4 (1):30-30.
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    L'inquietudine ermeneutica: saggi su Pareyson.Roberto Sega - 2021 - Roma: Aracne.
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    The Horror of Self-Reflection: The Concealment of Violence in a "Self-Conscious and Critical Society".Roberto Farneti - 2008 - Theory and Event 11 (3).
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    La proliferación de los signos: la teoría social en tiempos de globalización.Roberto Follari, Nilda Bistué & Claudia Yarza (eds.) - 2004 - Rosario, Argentina: Homo Sapiens.
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    How can development and plasticity contribute to understanding evolution of the human brain?Roberto Lent & Fernanda Tovar-Moll - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  34. Matemática filosofica egizio-platonica.Roberto Luca - 2002 - Filosofia Oggi 25 (97):21-50.
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    Nietzsche e o renascimento do trágico.Roberto Machado - 2005 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 46 (112):174-182.
  36. Il mito del "buon newtoniano": scienza e filosofia della scienza da Newton a Laplace.Roberto Maiocchi - 1982 - ACME: Annali della Facoltà di lettere e filosofia dell'Università degli studi di Milano 35 (2-3):269-444.
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  37. Homenaje al filósofo venezolano Alberto Rosales.Roberto Walton - 2005 - Dikaiosyne 15 (8).
    Axiological foundations of free speach. Belandria, Margarita y González R., Javier Voluntad, ausencias, y normas: el sustrato histórico del positivismo en el derecho. Will, absences and norms: the historical background of positivism in law. Carpintero Benítez, Francisco Nominalismo jurídico, escolástica española y tradición republicana. Juridical nominalism, spanish scholasticism and republican tradition. Casanova Guerra, Carlos El primer principio de la razón práctica en la teoría de la ley natural de John Finnis. The first principle of practical reason in John Finnis´s natural (...)
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    O nous e a indicação da vida fáctica.Roberto Wu - 2011 - Natureza Humana 13 (1):102-116.
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  39. Ontologia e logica in Franz Brentano: giudizi categorici e giudizi tetici.Roberto Poli - 1993 - Epistemologia 16 (1):39-76.
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    Plan choice and changes in access to care over time for SSI-eligible children with disabilities.Pamela N. Roberto, Jean M. Mitchell & Darrell J. Gaskin - 2005 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 42 (2):145-159.
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    L’articulation du général et du particulier : une approche méthodologique dans le champ des sciences sociales.Roberto Miguelez - 1984 - Philosophiques 11 (2):251-276.
    La question de l'articulation du général et du particulier n'a pas qu'une dimension épistémologique, elle commande aussi la résolution du problème du rapport entre théorie et pratique éclairée, et ceci dans la mesure où la pratique s'exerce toujours sur des processus ou des phénomènes individués. Après avoir réalisé un examen critique de trois tentatives de réponse à cette question — l'approche positiviste traditionnelle, celle fondée sur la notion de « modèle » et celle, weberienne, qui fait appel aux « types (...)
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  42. A ojos cerrados: Cretástasis del ser humano en imagen.Roberto Cabrera Olea - 2002 - A Parte Rei 23:8.
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    Infinite Creator.Roberto Hofmeister Pich - 2015 - Quaestio 15:139-168.
    The concept of “infinite being” is a key concept in John Duns Scotus’s metaphysics. Scotus believes that we are able indeed of having a sound concept of infinite being that can be properly used in metaphysics to conceive God, insofar as we assume that we have no proper or perfect concept of the divine essence. At the same time, the logic of the concept and the formal way how it should be construed in order to be a sufficient concept for (...)
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    In Itinere: European Cities and the Birth of Modern Scientific Philosophy.Roberto Poli - 1997 - Rodopi.
    The volume describes a virtual tour of the cities in which Franz Brentano and his pupils worked and lived, with a reconstruction of the intellectual climate of their time. After the Introduction, the intellectual life of Wurzburg, Munich, Vienna, Prag, Lvov, Warsaw, Cambridge, Florence and Milan is presented and analyzed. The papers collected in this volume propose several answers to the following question: to what do we refer when we speak of Central European philosophy?. Interpretations of Central European philosophy have (...)
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  45. Law and morality an analysis of their possible relations.Roberto J. Vernengo - 1993 - Rechtstheorie. Beiheft 15:59-69.
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  46. Scultura in sardegna dal VII al IX secolo.Roberto Coroneo - forthcoming - ACME: Annali della Facoltà di lettere e filosofia dell'Università degli studi di Milano.
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    La subjetividad como respuesta y centramiento: Multiplicidad y unidad en las figuras del yo.Roberto J. Walton - 2001 - Human Nature 3 (1):9-49.
    O artigo tenta diferenciar, caracterizar e ordenar diversas figuras da identidade na fenomenologia pós-husserliana. Em primeiro lugar, assinalam-se questões formuladas pela análise da ipseidade em Heidegger. Em segundo lugar, chama-se a atenção para duas tendências divergentes. Por um lado, Lévinas sustenta que uma fissão da identidade é o resultado da responsabilidade pelos outros, e Waldenfels desenvolve uma lógica da responsividade que questiona o autodesenvolvimento e a autopreservação. Por outro lado, Ricoeur sustenta que o ordenamento da vida num relato equivale a (...)
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    Futuri contingenti e molinismo analitico. La scienza media nel dibattito contemporaneo.Roberto Rizzi - 2023 - Quaestio 23:405-434.
    Over the past four decades, the question of the relationship between divine omniscience and human freedom has led analytic philosophy of religion to analyze medieval thought on foreknowledge. To avoid fatalism, many of them have been inspired by Luis de Molina’s doctrine of middle knowledge. Created to provide a libertarian account of how God knows future contingents, the Molinist solution has divided contemporary interpreters into two camps: those who argue that Molinism implies determinism and those who have developed new analytical (...)
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    Introduction to Kant's anthropology.Roberto Nigro & Kate Briggs (eds.) - 2008 - Semiotext(E).
    Introduction to Kant's Anthropology From a Pragmatic Point of View Michel Foucaulttranslated and with an introduction by Arianna BoveThis introduction and commentary to Kant's least discussed work, Anthropology from a Pragmatic Point of View, is the dissertation that Michel Foucault presented in 1961 as his doctoral thesis. It has remained unpublished, in any language, until now. In his exegesis and critical interpretation of Kant's Anthropology, Foucault raises the question of the relation between psychology and anthropology, and how they are affected (...)
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    Oikeiosis: ricerche sul fondamento del pensiero stoico e sulla sua genesi.Roberto Radice - 2000 - Milano: Vita e Pensiero.
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